We are master distributors of all WTC products in Mexico for more than 20 years, during which we have been dedicated to meet the requirements of the Mexican companies that are part of the customer base that WTC has in our country for several years. WTC has been designing and manufacturing power systems, controls and resistance welding analyzers since 1936. With its two plants located in the USA and its most recent alliance with RoMan Manufacturing in China through Global Welding Solutions (Shanghai-Medar), WTC consolidates its position in the market as the most important supplier of welding controls in the world. Its partnership with NADEX of Japan brings both resistance welding technologies closer together and creates a group of unsurpassed experts for the development of state-of-the-art technology for the industry worldwide.
Welding equipment
Some of the WTC Resistance Welding Products, Controls and Monitors that we currently distribute in Mexico are:
Medar T2200 Series (MedWeld 2200)
WebVIEW Network System
Flexible Resistance Welding Control System (FRS)
The WAVE (Wireless current and voltage analyzer)
RAFT™ Resistive Adaptive Feedback Technology
WT6000 MiniPak
WT6000 TM Welding Control
WT6000 AC Weld Control
Servo Adaptive Welding Systems
DCIT Weld Gun Station
WTC controls provide superior welding algorithms, accuracy and built-in diagnostics. Combined with network software (Weld Gateway) and adaptive welding technology (RAFT), these are the key ingredients for optimum productivity.
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